Specialist planning

Header Fachplanung hegiasDevelop more efficiently

  • IFC Upload makes construction projects available for inspection in virtual reality (VR) within minutes
  • display/hide various levels of the contruction models
  • decentralized BIM collaboration meetings directly in VR
  • Jointly inspect specialist planning across all sections

Header Fachplanung hegias
Farben auswählen in HEGIAS VR
hegias play button

The world of HEGIAS explained in three minutes

No extra work

Upload and examine IFC files

Use the entire information from building information modelling (BIM). Load your IFC directly into HEGIAS VR for a virtual, interactive inspection. Share your projects in VR for decentralized collaboration meetings.
HEGIAS - file types
Mit IFCs direkt in die VR

No installations

Browser-based and in the cloud

You, your clients and your partners do not have to install any files – all you need is an up-to-date internet browser. All your real estate projects are available from there at all times and locations.

Fewer misunderstandings

Jointly inspect planned sections

Inspect and discuss your specialist planning jointly with all stakeholders without having to visualize anything. Everyone sees and understands the same things. Overlaps are visible immediately.
Geplante Immobilien gemeinsam begehen

Use fewer resources

Plan, construct and market more sustainably

HEGIAS not only renders sample constructions but also many journeys obsolete. All stakeholders attend joint inspections and collaboration meetings decentrally without traveling in person. This allows several thousand tons of CO2 to be saved each year in Switzerland alone. Fewer misunderstandings also entail fewer corrections to the finished construction, thereby saving the need for further trips, transport consignments and construction materials. When you consider that the cement industry alone produces four times more CO2 than flight journeys, the savings here are also significant. And with HEGIAS you’ll also be forearmed in future for a pandemic such as Covid-19 (corona) …

Achieve VR faster, more dynamically and at a lower cost

High added value at lower cost

With the automated solution from HEGIAS, you can make dynamic use of your existing 3D plans* without any additional outlay. This allows you to work faster, more flexibly and up to 100x more economically than with existing virtual reality applications from agencies. Save tens to hundreds of thousands by doing without antiquated architectural models, static 3D visualizations and time- and resource-consuming sample constructions.

*Do you only have 2D plans? No problem, we’ll use these to create a 3D model for you. Just get in touch with us.

Stadtentwicklung aus einer 360°-Perspektive

We understand BIM

Straight into VR with IFCs

Make use of the entire information of the BIM architecture and specialist plans. Load your Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) directly into HEGIAS for a virtual, interactive inspection and collaboration meetings. You decide what you want to see – the prototypes, the shell construction, the building technology or the completed property – by displaying and hiding the layers of the individual construction models.

HEGIAS - file types

Find out more. Experience HEGIAS live.

Any other questions? Find out how HEGIAS can support you in specialist planning. Just get in touch with us.