Real estate marketing More efficient consulting and sales with VR Present options for materials, kitchens etc. Sell and rent faster and more efficiently Accelerate purchase consultation Location-independent and joint walk-throughs Visits regardless of office hours Real estate marketing Virtual Showrooms Virtual Museums & Galleries Experience your real estate project before it is built Tiefere Leerstände Sell the property before it’s built Walk the planned property together with potential buyers and tenants regardless of location. Inspire your customers with an emotional experience of their future home. Minimale Hardware, maximale Unabhängigkeit The property is always with you and easily shared Potential buyers and tenants do not need to install any software or files; you only need an up-to-date Internet browser and virtual reality glasses. From there, your property is available from the cloud anytime, anywhere, and can also be easily and quickly embedded or shared on a website. Weniger Missverständnisse Understand better through the experience Walk through and discuss your real estate projects with potential buyers together, regardless of location, without having to imagine a thing. Everyone sees and understands the same thing. Straight into VR with the stand-alone app Experience high-quality graphics with the latest generation of convenient stand-alone VR glasses that don’t require cables, external sensors, and most importantly, expensive additional PCs. The stand-alone app for the Quest 2 and Quest Pro is available (also for MAC users) in the Oculus Store. Zur HEGIAS App Schneller in der Entscheidungsfindung Create and compare options easily Save different variants with alternative materials and colors, kitchen decor and bathroom fixtures and furnishings depending on the target group. Give buyers pre-defined choices and involve them in the decision-making process to get there faster. This will save you a lot of nerves, time and therefore also money in buyer counselling. Materialisieren und Möblieren Experience how itis going to be Whether it’s a residential or commercial property: Furnish and materialize the rooms to get a real impression and also test special needs such as wheelchair accessibility. Weniger Ressourcenverschleiss More sustainable marketing Potential buyers and tenants view the apartment beforehand at home on any device with an internet browser or for maximum immersion with VR glasses. Viewing appointments take place together but are independent of each other’s location. With HEGIAS VR, model homes and business trips become obsolete, saving several tons of CO2 every year in Switzerland alone. Faster project development With HEGIAS your projects are in VR at the touch of a button. Your team then develops prototyping and meets for BIM collaboration meetings in a decentralized manner – all directly and efficiently in VR. Gain security With HEGIAS, you get the assurance today that the right thing is being planned, because all decision-makers see and walk away with the result. Flexibility You will never be able to adjust colors, materials and sizes so flexibly and quickly in reality. With HEGIAS you get the option to try everything virtually. Increase quality & convince Once you have experienced the high-end quality of HEGIAS, you will never build, buy, furnish or sell without VR again. Because with this solution you convince all decision-makers. Greater satisfaction Even non-experts see and experience immersively without misunderstanding what is being planned. Wishes are thus communicated much more clearly, which allows tailor-made projects to emerge. Low costs and high sustainability By efficiently testing options in VR and not requiring anyone to travel for a meeting, you save valuable and expensive resources. Find out more. Experience HEGIAS VR live. Any other questions? Find out how HEGIAS VR can support you in real estate marketing. Kontaktieren Sie uns